Saturday, March 21, 2015

Iron Man's Delivery


It's official, I am in love with Iron Man. After years of watching the movies where a sassy Robert Downey Jr. helps/saves/and makes a mess out of the world, he's done it for real, well, he's done some of it for real. Almost 12 days ago, Tony Stark, as in the Tony Stark of Stark Industries presented 7-year old Alex with a 3D-printed Bionic arm.

Holy crap!

Working with Albert Manero and Limbitless Solutions, RDJ presented this 7-year old, who was born with a right arm deformity, a working, prosthetic arm. Not only did the team bring a wild smile to Alex's face when he met Iron Man but they did so for only $350. Normally, these "robotic technologies" cost around $40,000. The team, though, in fact, donated the arm to Alex after pooling together their "coffee money" and saying "we were all bound to the belief that no one should profit from a child in need of an arm." This wonder was put together by The Collective Project, a team trying to empower great ideas. To learn more about the entire presentation, go here.

Alex's Arm 

Though not a device for transtibial lower limb amputees, this and the ankle-foot device I work with are both targeted to achieve one very simple goal: helping people around the world. 

"You know, it's time like these when I realize what a superhero I am"
                            -Tony Stark 

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