Monday, February 16, 2015

Week One

Hi Readers,

Well, my first week of learning has passed. And here's the one thing I know: my reading, researching and learning is nowhere near over. While I do know a little more about muscle functions, there's still plenty to review and learn before I'm able to apply my new knowledge to the prosthesis. Because the device mocks muscle movement, and I'm researching on the biological side of my project for now, I need to first understand how the muscles of our lower limbs work. So, while I delve deep into an anatomy textbook, I hope this article describing the prosthesis' ingenuity helps develop your understanding.

Next week, I will have my first exposure to the engineering side of my project! Meaning... I finally get one step closer to touching, testing and looking wonderstruck in the face of the newly reconditioned BiOM!

With much anticipation,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Pooja,
    How did the touching, testing, and looking wonderstruck go?
